Thursday, October 1, 2009

Bird huntin' at Uncle Versies

When I was about twelve years old, my parents let me purchase a jam box. You know the one I'm talking about if you lived in the 80's; it had the dual cassettes (with recorder) and all the bells and whistles on it for treble, bass, etc. Prior to the days of Cd's, Ipod and youtube, the jam box was where it was at for quality listening entertainment. I would even proudly take my jam box on the school bus to listen to occasionally.
One of the tapes I had (and I'm not sure where I acquired it or who gave it to me) was a collection of jokes by Southern comedian Jerry Clower from Yazoo City, Mississippi. I fell in love with this tape. If I had trouble falling asleep at night I would simply pop Clower into the jam box and listen away.
Jerry Clower's comedy is free from profanity and undeniably funny. A true classic. I read recently that after Jerry's death, a decade or so ago, someone claimed that Jeff Foxworthy was the heir apparent to Jerry as the country folks' comedian or whatever. Another person's commentary on this thought said "Foxworthy is to Clower, as dog feces is to apple pie." No offense Foxworthy fans, but that statement does ring with some truth, although I don't know if I would put it that strongly.

As with everything else, Jerry is now on youtube. The Bird Huntin' story is one among many...enjoy!