Monday, October 5, 2009

Call a time out!

Whew!, It seems just like just a little while back President Obama was the greatest thing since sliced bread according to the approval polls. Even folks who polled that they oppose many of the President's policies still gave him high marks on the approval ratings. Everything Mr. Obama touched seemed to turn into gold a year ago. He could walk into a bakery and delicious rolls, breads and scones would just pop out. Now it seems like that bakery is producing a lot of burnt bread. Not just the burnt taste, but it seems like the administration is having a difficult time getting the recipes right.

The latest bad recipe was President Obama's failed bid to bring the 2016 Olympics to Chicago. Now I am sure that a great many people have put hard work to promote Chicago. For me, the first time I heard about it was last week and the only additional thing I knew about it was that while the president was flying across the world to help secure this bid, a local Chicago newspaper poll showed that half of Chicagoans didn't even want the Olympics! Bad timing, bad recipe.

Unfortunately, all this also looks like bad leadership. According the the latest Rasmussen report, President Obama approval index is tracking -10. This failed Chicago thing can not help that a bit. It will probably drop a couple more points.In a basketball or football game there is definitely that thing called momentum. When momentum is obviously not in one's favor, it is time to call a time out. Maybe even make some personnel adjustments!I think there are many Americans who are beginning to wonder a little about things. Our money is dependent on foreign investors, we don't produce widgets quite like we used to, the government seems to produce more problems than helps, and others. So where do we go from here? I don't know, but there seems to be too many liberals in power right now. Where are the real statesmen? The Democratic party needs there own "Ron Paul" to help rally their moderate reflective thinkers.