Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Spanish Rally

It is not often that a group of 1,000,000+ people get together for a common cause. And when that does happen you would think it would make news headlines all over the place at the major news networks....
According to the BBC, over one million Spanish citizens gathered this weekend (Oct 17th, 2009) to protest the Spanish government's move to liberalize the country's abortion laws. Currently Spain is one of the few modern nations to have strict laws on abortion. The new law would open access up for abortion for birth control and even allow girls as young as 15 to get an abortion without parental consent.
The theme of the weekend was "each life is important" and with the entire Spanish population at a little less than 50 million citizens, that is a pretty good showing for the Spaniards. This is interesting for us in the States as well, especially since a recent October poll found that now half of Americans oppose abortion in all or most cases, which is up significantly from last year.

Way to go Spain rally attenders. I knew that tasty wines and tapas were not all you had to offer the rest of the world!