Sunday, September 13, 2009

Mizzou's close call with Bowling Green

What is it that makes a good football game? Is it when your favorite team pounds the other and the game is essentially over mid way thru the 2nd quarter? Is it when both teams play their best? What about when your team comes from behind... especially against a superiorly talented team. Well, Mizzou did come from behind last night and no disrespect to Bowling Green (they are a good football team and will probably have a winning record), but the home opener should have been a little easier than that.

The Mizzou offense played a great second half but they need to get things going a little better or they will run into trouble. I suppose the experience of coming from behind will be good for Gabbert and the rest of the young offense, in the long run. It was a thriller listening to it on the radio last night. I think all along you sensed the Tigers knew they were going to win, it just had to wait for that "Joe Montana" timing.

Derrick Washington rushed for over 120 yards and one touchdown. This balanced running attack really helped get the whole offense going in the second half. Mizzou's defense played pretty well the whole game, but they needed to get that turnover earlier in the game. It will be exciting the see this defense develop over the season.

Nebraska seems to be looking like the days of old. They are not just beating folks, they are blowing them out. Twelve points allowed over two games by the defense. If Nebraska can win at V-Tech this next week (and Mizzou gets a couple needed wins) the nationally televised Thursday night matchup on October 8th will be exciting. Probably putting the winner in the drivers seat to win the North. Of course there are some Jayhawk fans who might have something to say about that!