Friday, September 11, 2009

Grape-Nuts Kick

When one was "into" something growing up in my house it was known as a "kick." Perhaps you have/had this in your family as well. A kick was essentially when you were a big fan of something for a while and then it settled back to normal at one point or another. One "kick" that seems to come back to me every 18-24 months is a Grape-Nuts Kick.

Now when I was a young lad my family ate a lot of cereal. Cereal was the universal feel good-good for you to snack; not just for breakfast but for anytime of day and even right before bed is especially good. The same still holds true today in my current home; we eat a lot of cereal. In fact I almost named this blog "five gallons a week," showcasing the amount of milk we go through any given week.

I find myself again on a Grape-Nuts kick. It is possible I am on my third box in about as many weeks. Grape-Nuts are interesting, they of course contain neither grapes nor nuts, but are in fact delicious. What a delight to see last night as I was reading the box, smacking away my "nuts" when I see that the Post Cereal company is located in my home state, headquartered in St. Louis, MO. Now they taste even better, I love supporting Missouri companies. As I read on I discovered that g-n's have about as many vitamins and nutrients as a supplement. What a great nut! And to my understanding they have been the same great old nut since the late 1800's. That is a time tested cereal. Well, this concludes my first blog. I wanted to start out with something non controversial. I think I nailed it!