Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Free Will -- Part II

There is a story in the 38th chapter of Isaiah that offers an interesting glimpse of our Creator. God sends Isaiah to tell King Hezakiah to put his house in order because the illness he has will not be recovered from and he is going to die. King Hez. prays and simply asks the Lord to remember the faithfulness and devotion of his life. The Lord sends Isaiah back to tell the King that he has heard his prayer and will add fifteen years to his life. Besides being a beautiful story between the God of Israel and the King of Israel, this story seems to affirm what the Psalmist and James both say; God hears the prayers of the righteous and responds.

The Lord created us in his image, and I believe, with freedom. Freedom to respond to him and even freedom to reflect his holiness. Micah asked, "what does the Lord require of thee?" to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with God. He enables us to do these things. After the death and resurrection of Jesus, God also sent believers his Holy Spirit. This is no small thing and we can only begin to understand this mystery. The Spirit works as our personal counselor, but also works through us using our head, hearts and hands in this world.

Among glorifying God, spreading the good news and edifying fellow believers, we have a charge to resist evil. Jesus says in John 14 that Satan is the prince of the world. Paul calls Satan the god of this age (2 Cor 4:4) and that his agents rule this present darkness (Eph 6:12).

Is this evil one doing the will of God? I think not. He fathers lies (John 8:44), schemes (Eph 6:11), seeks whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8), sows weeds (Matthew 13:39) and is the dragon who leads the world astray (Rev 12:9). So what are the implications of this? I believe God "allows" evil to happen, not "wills" it. And there will be a day when he will not allow it anymore. I believe Jesus Christ is the predestined one. Those who become "in Christ" are destined for glory. We are now "chosen" because of The chosen one.

I've either written this freely or I'm just predestined to think this way!!!
"He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." (2 Peter 3:9)