Sunday, May 2, 2010

Living Intentionally

This weekend Jamie and I attended a powerful Parenting Conference with Dr. Randy Carlson. He came in to Lenexa, KS to the beautiful Lenexa First Baptist Church. The whole day was devoted to living intentionally in Christ and parenting in a way that our children will come to know and love God. One of the main themes was choosing "One thing" everyday and be intentional about glorifying Jesus through it.

Among many other things covered were 12 things Dr. Randy came up with called "Loving My Child Into Adulthood." They go like this:

1. I will not do for my child what they can do for themselves. When I do, I weaken them.
2. I will not over-react when my child over-reacts. When I do, we both lose.
3. I will not rescue my child from their mistakes. If I do I have cheated them from learning.
4. I will not treat my teenager like a child - even though they are acting like one. When I do, I create resentment.
5. I will not be dissuaded from doing right despite anger, tears, cursing or threats. When I do, I am an irresponsible parent.
6. I will pick battles carefully because it's more important to be the right parent than to be right.
7. I will give lots of encouragement because it will help my child to build confidence.
8. I will provide training, support and instruction as needed because that is my job.
9. I will pray daily for my child because my child belongs to God.
10. I will use a heart of understanding when my child is hurting, confused, searching and frustrated.
11. I will use a head of caring when my child had questions, needs guidance, and wants answers.
12. I will use a hand of logical and natural consequences when my child needs discipline.

I have added another, to personalize and make ours a Blessed 13. Each night after praying with my child, I will tickle and kiss them. For our home shall be filled with blessing, laughter and smiles.

"Figure out what will please Christ -- then do it." Ephesians 5:10 The Message