Saturday, May 8, 2010

Dan & Dad Trip 2010 - Day 3 Defiance to St. Charles 20 miles

The breakfast at our B&B on the last morning of the trip was ridiculous. Egg and cheese souffle, locally made sausages, potato pancakes, pecan sticky buns, cherry walnut bread, strawberries, coffee and fresh squeezed orange juice. We put a hurtin' on it.

We stopped and took this pic with about ten miles left on the trip. We were entering the August Busch Natural Wildlife Area in St. Charles County. I must say, my backside and legs were pretty excited the trip was about over, but the moment was a little bittersweet.

Mission Complete! My friend Mike Z met us, and Daniel and I washed down the trail dust with a house made root beer and wheat beer - Trailhead Brewing Co, Historic Downtown St. Charles, MO.

Several things we learned/experienced on the trip:
-I was happy to spend so much one-on-one time with my middle son. I think he liked it too, as he was able to express himself perhaps more than with the brothers around. It was very valuable.
-We saw some great wild life. The number of bluebirds we saw was amazing. They are beautiful. We came across three snakes, four goats, two slow crossing turtles (which we stopped at), 1 turkey and about 2,000 squirrels. I never realized how useful the bell on my bike was until I started using it to move squirrels off the trail. If you wait until you are right on them, they slow you down by darting to and fro.
-People along the trail were, in general, incredibly friendly.

"Choose this day whom you will serve..........As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord"
Joshua, Son of Nun and a servant of the Lord