Saturday, May 8, 2010

Dad & Dan Trip 2010 - Day 2 Bluffton to Defiance 52 miles

One of the many old railroad bridges along the Katy Trail.

My sweet little boy.

What's this? A red caboose that is being renovated into a custard shop! Snacks by the tracks, you gotta love it.

The village of Marthasville was one of the unexpected highlights of the trip. It had a beautiful city park with playground that we relaxed at for almost two hours. And they had a convenience store!! Don't read this Jamie (Momma), but we purchased soda, Zingers and Cheetos and hung out in the shade.

B&B in Defiance, MO. Day 2 was a great day, 52 miles was about the right amount pulling a loaded chariot, and afforded us extra time for breaks. Defiance was a beautiful little town.