Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Indestructable Doc Marten

Even though I am not quite the minimalist I used to be when I was single and backpacking, I still consider simple living as the best living. I like to go through everything every now and then and make sure it has its place. The problem I have right now is what to do with my Doc Marten shoes. I think I purchased these babies when I was a senior at Mizzou in 1995. I wore them heavily during that year and the following years in Evansville, Indiana. I have never had a shoe last so long.

For the last five years they have been stored under the futon in our study. Several years ago I got them out and was going to wear them somewhere and my wife made some kind of comment about being seriously out of date or something. The picture above does not do justice to the thickness of the soles of these shoes. I feel like I am 6'4" when I put them on.

So now I have come across my ol' Docs again. What should I do with them? They hardly have a mark of wear on them, I think they are made out of kryptonite or something. I am not oblivious to the needs of the world, but they are so heavy it would probably be more efficient to send money instead of ship them somewhere. Should I shellac them? I think not. Should I save them and see if the style comes back around? (I still have a few paisley ties just waiting for this ;)). No, I guess I will contact the Better Living Center in Macon. Surely these 15 year old shoes will find a new home somewhere.

Goodbye Doc Martens, and thank you for your service.