Thursday, December 17, 2009

Isaac the Red Cheeked Kauffman

When my oldest son has a cold, he uses the same motion over and over to itch or wipe his nose: back of right sleeve, wide swipe moving straight across the plain east to west. What this repetition does is make one of his cheeks very red. We try to get him to use a tissue or handkerchief but he is not a big fan of that.

This red cheeked phenom has inspired me to write the following song. I hope you like it, it goes like this.

Isaac, the Red cheeked Kauffman
Had a very shiny cheek
And if you ever saw it
You would even say it glows

All of the other brothers
Used to laugh, but none would call him names
because they would not dare do that
to Isaac when they play his games

Then one frosty Winter morn
Papa came to say
Isaac with that cheek so bright
Won't you guide my Honda Fourwheeler tonight

Papa and Isaac rode out and cut a Christmas tree
and all the brothers shouted out with glee
Isaac the red cheeked Kauffman
He'll go down in historrryyyy!!!