Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Hot Topics

Boy, Trying to find a hot topic to think and write about these days is like walking into Grandma Kauffman's kitchen just before Christmas with a sweet tooth. Luke, you know exactly what I am talking about and I'm sure many of you have a similar memory. The kitchen itself is so full of pies and cookies that the side room that occupies the washer and dryer is utilized to help keep containment on all the goodies. Oh, choices, choices.

I think today I will start with something.... oh mildly controversial, how about homosexuality. My views are reasonably old school on this issue, but don't worry conservative readers, I've got a challenge for you too, I think my next post will deal with the subject of water boarding and so called "confession."

I see the homosexuality debate as best broken down into two different arenas: The Church and the State. Others may see if differently, but here I will make my case. Since the Bible is clear in both the OT and NT that homosexuality is a sin, there really shouldn't be much of a debate for the church in my mind. I wrote an opinion letter for the Mennonite Weekly Review earlier this year, which I will copy part of here. The Mennonite church, like many bodies, has people within it who are pushing for an understanding of homosexuality that separates it from sin. The paper published most of this but edited out some of my imagery, you will probably figure out which parts:).

The issue with homosexuality is not easy, but it is clear. The Scriptures do not speak often of homosexuality but when they do, it is always an offense and it is always sinful behavior. This same viewpoint is expressed from the Old Testament Law to over a thousand years later in Paul’s letters. In many instances today the church has not responded properly or treated folks who are entrapped in this sin with holy love; the love that Jesus called us to embrace.

Now, I will attempt to respectfully respond to two comments in the February 16th issue:
1. “When will the Mennonite church be faithful to the gospel of Jesus Christ?” (Nachtigal) As a United Methodist who is learning more about and interested in my Anabaptist heritage, I must ask Mr. and Mrs. Nachtigal, “Can you show me another denomination that has been more faithful to the Gospel?” I agree with you that all people (including homosexuals) should be welcome in Church, but that doesn’t eliminate the need for repentance. Whether someone is born with certain tendencies or not isn’t the issue; this is part of the fall of creation. I have three boys, and if one of them is born with a temper and likes to push or hit the other two, that doesn’t make it acceptable. The Mennonite church has some elements in it that are very attractive to people. I hope one of the reasons is not to find a place that appeases a sinful appetite.

2. “Our churches should bless all unions” (Steelberg). I am sure this statement is made out of love, but where does this lead? Would you bless a union of a man and a dog? What about a union of man and a little girl or boy? This may sound preposterous but these were the sentiments about homosexuality a few generations ago. Once the body of Christ begins to accept sin without repentance we are embracing something Bonhoeffer called “cheap grace.”

Okay, so my view of this topic within the church is pretty self explanatory. Now, how about the state? I think since it has been reported by various outlets that the first thing a student at a secular college thinks when they hear the phrase "Evangelical Christian" is that they are anti-homosexual, we need to be cautious about the message we are sending. This is amplified with other evidence that marriages among believers have no better (if not worse) divorce rates than non believers. Yikes, what message are we sending? That being said, the state has clearly adopted the understanding of "marriage" from a Judeo-Christian ethic. So the church should have a say into how marriage is defined, right? Is this getting muddy enough yet?!!

Here's the thing though, are you ready for this? Homosexuality is perverted. It takes natural desire and "perverts" it for the unnatural. People need to hear this! Paul wrote about this when he says God "turned them over" to their evil desires. But you don't even need Scripture to see that homosexuality does not fit in the natural order. Do you remember James Holsinger who was nominated to be Surgeon General by Bush in 2007. He was a Godly man with a remarkable career as a physician and a retired major-general. He was Chancellor of the University of Kentucky Medical school and on the board of trustees at Asbury Theological Seminary. He nomination didn't even reach a vote in the senate because he had written an article that gay sex was "unnatural and unhealthy" in a United Methodist publication several decades ago. In addition to this he helped found a church that ministered to people who no longer wished to be involved in gay or lesbian lifestyle. If these views prevent qualified Christians from serving the country, I think this is pretty sad.

So, that all being said, what do we do? The middle ground that many have taken in regards to homosexuality and the state is to accept civil unions but deny gay marriage. I guess this seems reasonable in a free country, I don't know it is a toughie. The End (for now).