Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Tour of Missouri - 2009

This past weekend affirms what I have been considering for a while....Missouri is the greatest state in the Union. We are in the heart of America, I believe we have the most shoreline of any state, we touch more states than any other state, we get all the seasons and we have a very nice balance of urban and rural, and we can grow good tomatoes! But all those things don't make us the greatest state, it is the people of Missouri.

Our family made a big circle going counterclockwise around the state over a four day weekend, visiting friends and family along the way, state parks and KC and Stl. If we missed anything it would probably be that we didn't get that far south, but we'll save that for another time. Here are a few pics from the trip (with commentary, naturally!)

We spent the first night with friends on a farm northeast of St. Joseph, MO. Boys with Luke and Allie McCrea.

Visiting cousins at Uncle Keith and Aunt Emma's house in Harrisonville, MO. Isaac, Kate, Ethan, Daniel, Carson and Benjamin. (Dan and Kate are named after their beloved great grandparents, Dan and Katie Kauffman)

The two above shots were taken at Ha Ha Tonka State Park. Visiting the old castle ruins and behind us in the family pic is a 300 foot drop off and one of the largest springs in the State of Missouri-feeding a branch of the Ozarks.

Boys will be boys - Osage Beach, MO

A city park at St. James, MO (In addition to nice parks, St. James boasts four wineries-come by 308 Duff for a sampling!)

A little spelunking? Why not. Meramec State Park, MO

7:00am, Oct 19th- 42 degrees F. We came, we saw, we camped. Toasty warm in the North Face sleeping bags!!
It was a good trip.