Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Delicious Apple Fritter - Kauffman Style

Men, would you like to amaze your wife and children alike with a blast of early morning culinary talent one of these lazy Labor Day Weekend mornings? I hope so. Here is one way how. The Kauffman Flash-Fried then Baked and Double dipped in icing Apple Fritter! Known to laity as the KFFBDDAF.

All the ingredients you need are probably in your cupboard. 2 c unbleached all purpose flour, 1/4 c sugar, 1T baking powder, 1/2 t salt and mix. 2 eggs and 1 1/4 c milk, beat mix and add to dry. Peel, thinly slice and then chop three apples, fold in. All the while be heating your stainless steel frying pan on med high and then add about 1/4 inch oil. Drop in fritter dough in lumps and flash fry on each side for one minute. Complete this then bake at 400 for 10 minutes. Cool for a few minutes and then double dip in icing (powdered sugar, water, splash of vanilla and cinnamon).

What you will have when finished are some delicious apple fritters! Here is how I like to eat mine: For the first one, smack it down with a large glass of ice cold milk. For the second one, savor it with a fresh cup of coffee.
Bon Appetit'!