Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Big Trip Leg 2 - Creston, CA to Eugene, OR

Family pic with Grandpa and Grandma Mollett.
Boys with Uncle Ray, Aunt Connie, Jeremy and Heather.

We met Aunt Patty for lunch and some relaxing in the sun. Golden Gate National Recreation Area, San Francisco.

"Look Mom, Look Dad!...Alcatraz!"

This tree was over 300 years old when Jesus was born. And we drove thru it! Why?, well it was a 70's and 80's fad but the hole is still there, so why not!

Avenue of the Giants, Redwood National Park

Action Shot - Countless Rocks, a lighthouse, a few gallons of water, that's just a lot of fun Calif North coast near the Oregon border.

This is southern Oregon. Where is my kayak?

We spent the night with Uncle Ron and Aunt Marg in Eugene, OR. They have a very cool back yard.

Arts and crafts time with Uncle Ron and Aunt Marg.