Sunday, April 25, 2010

Home Renovations

We have been renovating all three bathrooms in our 90 year old house; actually dividing the bath on the first floor into a half bath to the hallway and knocking out a door into the spare bedroom to have a full private bath attached to the spare bedroom on the first floor. These pics are from about half way thru. I will update with some more recent photos soon. The pic above is looking in from the hallway. You can see where we studded in to put a wall and divide this large bath into a full bath and half bath.
Stripping down a door that was attached to a closet in the old bath and now will attach the full private bath to the guest bedroom. After ripping out the frame, there was a name written on the outside "H. Miller Macon, MO." I assume this is the original owner of our home.

The spare bedroom gets a new hole in the wall.

Private bath on first floor just before sheet rock. I am glad we got this project started before the new EPA lead paint regs started regarding remodeling homes built prior to 1977. More pics to come soon.