Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Yellow Fever

I will admit it, I get in different modes of conduct when it comes to food. At one time I might only give our family foods with whole grain, natural sugars and even organic when possible. One of our regular splurges is to buy Grade B organic maple syrup. We get it thru an online warehouse by the 1/2 gallon! It is good. Then occasionally after all this healthy eating, I will run out and get 8 or 9 stuffed donuts from the grocery store for the family to smack down, or grab a 12 pack of corn dogs from Sonic. They are good too!
Right now our "mode" is to eat foods with no artificial colors or flavors. We were already a step ahead of the game when we started this because we rarely (if ever) purchase anything with MSG (mono sodium glutamate), also hiddenly listed as "autolyzed yeast extract," as many times artificial colors and MSG are married in the same processed foods. Would you believe that regular Campbell's chicken noodle soup has MSG? How about a jar of peanuts? How about any chips that are flavored except for the plain kind? It is crazy. Thank you Lays plain chips - three ingredients; potatoes, canola oil and salt. I do like you.
Anyway, what I have learned since we started this was how many other foods also contain artificial food coloring. To my dismay, my favorite jar of jalapenos contain Yellow No 5!
Yellow No 5, also known as Tartrazine, is made from coal tar and is illegal as a food additive in some countries. In a local United States grocery market you will find Yellow number 5 in many foods. This just naming a few: Mountain Dew, certain kid's cereals, pickles, premade pastries, candy of all sorts, ice cream, Kraft Mac N Cheese, mustard, boxed rice and pasta dishes, premade biscuits, many convenience type foods and others. In addition, and I know you can find anything on the internet, but there are many reports that artificials may enhance and even aggravate Attn Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in children. One scientific report in Europe states that Yellow No 5 has a "noticeable effect on the behavior of young mice." Great;(
I should mention that many companies have begun to offer "all natural" products to complement their line. One that shocked me was Oscar Meyer's premium hotdog flavored with celery juice and colored with cherry powder! Way to go, Oscar Meyer! You know what the name of our hot dogs are. Now I just have to perfect a homemade corndog recipe.
"My hot dog has a first name, it's ..........." The bottom line though is this. We should take time to prepare meals at home and eat them together.
Go natural! Here's to a day with foods flavored and colored by God's natural order.