Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Yummy Summer Eats

click image for enlargement
Well, the dog days of summer are upon us. Our raspberries are coming on strong for their second round, which gives us a reason to step out into the heat.
Last night I prepared the above meal and we thought it would be fun to put together a plate presentation for a pic.
-Marinated and broiled KC Strip (I usually get a good deal on whole filets, but this week one of our grocery stores put whole KC strips on sale for $2.98/lb. We bought two whole strips!
-Fresh corn on the cob
-Tomato Caprese'. This is simply one of the highlights of summer! Tomato and fresh basil from our garden, soft mozzarella and topped off with e.v. olive oil and balsamic vinaigrette.
-All Natural Red Velvet Cake. I was trying to look for a recipe to make the cake with no red food coloring. They suggested beet powder, but our grocery store didn't have any. So I blended up a pound of frozen cherries. A little dark red, but it did the trick! The cake was unbelievably moist and tasty. (no artificial flavors, colors and no hydrogenated oil)
-An ice cold Hebrew "Chosen Ale". That was for me, not Isaac!

Bon Appetit'!